I would like to get some custom guild t-shirts if possible. I would like some ideas i think it would be kewl
I think the border of the tabard we should go with should be the oak leaves looking thing being a darker green color while the tabard itself is a light green tee. Now for the emblem in place we need to figure out what we are going to do for it. Last time I recall we were going to do the beer bottle...but they have a keg now lol...
Here is the site...Cause If I make myself a T-shirt I want to know that as a guild it is what we would expect what the t-shirt is too look like.
T-shirt Site Link
SAMPLE of the shirt i made when i was messing around. If this goes on a white T-shirt the emblem that the guild chooses on will be white cause having it black will make everyone only notice the emblem instead of the whole design. Please take a look and give suggestions to the emblem and colors.